VA extends presumptions of service connection for three new cancer types

We are pleased to share significant news from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): three new cancer types have been added to the list of presumed service-connected disabilities due to military environmental exposure under The PACT Act. This important update reflects the ongoing commitment of the Biden-Harris administration's Unity Agenda and the Biden Cancer Moonshot to provide comprehensive support for our nation’s veterans.
The following cancers have been newly included in the list of presumptive diseases through a sub-regulatory policy letter published in the Federal Register:
- Male breast cancer
- Urethral cancer
- Cancer of the paraurethral glands
This development underscores the constant work from everyone behind the scenes that are dedicated to addressing the health challenges faced by veterans exposed to harmful environmental conditions during their service. Burn Pits 360 applauds this move and will continue to advocate for the health and well-being of all veterans.
For the full update from The Department of Veterans Affairs Click Here.
Click here for a full list of Presumptive Conditions covered under The PACT Act.