NVLSP and Burn Pits 360 Announce Partnership to Assist Veterans and Survivors in Obtaining VA Disability and Death Benefits Due to Toxic Exposure from Burn Pits

NVLSP and Burn Pits 360 Announce Partnership to Assist
Veterans and Survivors in Obtaining VA Disability and Death Benefits Due to Toxic Exposure from Burn Pits
ARLINGTON, VA – The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) and BurnPits360 today announced a new partnership to assist veterans suffering from toxic exposure from burn pits and their survivors.
“Despite the passage of the PACT Act, not all veterans who are suffering the catastrophic consequences of toxic exposure from burn pits and their surviving family members are automatically receiving the disability or death benefits they are eligible to receive. Many veterans still have to prove service-connection and still others may not realize they can challenge an earlier denial of a claim with new evidence. Through NVLSP’s Burn Pits Claims Assistance Program we can assist these veterans at no cost to fight for life-changing benefits,” said NVLSP Executive Director Paul Wright. “We are delighted to collaborate with BurnPits360 to make more veterans aware of the assistance NVLSP can provide at no cost to veterans and to ensure the government lives up to the promise of the PACT Act.”
“As co-founder of Burn Pits 360, the leading organization for the PACT ACT, we are honored to forge a partnership with NVLSP with the common goal of providing selfless service to our nation’s warfighters and their families,” said Rosie Torres, Burn Pits 360 Executive Director.
Since its inception, NVLSP’s Burn Pits Claims Assistance Program has successfully obtained disability benefits for dozens of veterans suffering from a number of conditions covered under the new law, including asthma, sinusitis, and rhinitis. The Burn Pits Claims Assistance Program continues to represent veterans seeking to obtain service connection for conditions related to their exposure to toxic burn pits overseas, with priority for (1) veterans who were previously denied service connection for a burn-pit-related condition that is not presumptively service-connected under the PACT Act, including sleep apnea, GERD, and gastrointestinal issues or (2) veterans whose claims for a condition that is presumptively service connected under the PACT Act were denied after passage of the PACT Act on August 10, 2022. NVLSP’s Burn Pits Claims Assistance Program has a 97.3% success rate for final decisions.
The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT Act) was signed into law on August 10, 2022. The PACT Act is a comprehensive bill which addresses a wide range of issues relevant to veterans exposed to toxic substances during their service. The PACT Act addresses health care, presumptions of service connection, research, resources, and other matters related to these exposures. Here is a summary of some of the key provisions.
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) is an independent, nonprofit veterans service organization that has served active duty military personnel and veterans since 1981. NVLSP strives to ensure that our nation honors its commitment to its 18 million veterans and active duty personnel by ensuring they have the benefits they have earned through their service to our country. NVLSP has represented veterans in lawsuits that compelled enforcement of the law where the VA or other military services denied benefits to veterans in violation of the law. NVLSP’s success in these lawsuits has resulted in more than $5.4 billion dollars being awarded in disability, death and medical benefits to hundreds of thousands of veterans and their survivors. NVLSP offers training for attorneys and other advocates; connects veterans and active duty personnel with pro bono legal help when seeking disability benefits; publishes the nation's definitive guide on veteran benefits; and represents and litigates for veterans and their families before the VA, military discharge review agencies and federal courts. For more information go to www.nvlsp.org.
Media contact:
Patty Briotta, office 202-621-5698, patty@nvlsp.org