Gillibrand Recommends Captain Le Roy Torres, Rosie Torres, Jon Stewart, And John Feal For The Presidential Medal Of Freedom For Their Incredible Contributions To Bettering Veteran Health Care

To honor their advocacy that secured lifesaving care and benefits for our nation’s first responders and veterans, Senator Gillibrand is recommending Captain Le Roy Torres and Rosie Torres, cofounders of Burn Pits 360, and advocates Jon Stewart and John Feal for the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This August, the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022, which establishes a presumptive service connection for veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxins, passed the Senate and was signed by President Biden into law. Gillibrand’s original bill, the Presumptive Benefits for War Fighters Exposed to Burn Pits and Other Toxins Act, formed the cornerstone of the PACT Act. Because of John, Jon, Le Roy, and Rosie’s tireless advocacy, millions of American veterans and service members are eligible for lifesaving care for injuries that occurred as a result of their service and sacrifice.
Read more about her recommendation here