Gold Star Story - Amie Dahl-Muller

Technical Sergeant Amie M. Muller served in the Active Duty Air Force in Security Forces, and in the Minnesota Air National Guard as a military photojournalist.
She deployed twice to Balad, embedded with a military intelligence squadron. At Balad, the burn pits were more than 10 acres in size. The pit burned at all hours and consumed 100 to 200 tons of waste per day. Amie’s barracks were near the burn pits.
When she returned home in 2007, she began experiencing health problems that were unusual for a woman in her 30s. She felt fatigued and suffered from constant migraines. She then started to suffer from abdominal pain and gastrointestinal problems. When she was hospitalized for the pain, the doctors found a tumor on her pancreas.
Amie was diagnosed with Stage III pancreatic cancer, and nine months later she passed away. She was only 36. She is survived by her husband and three children.